Wednesday, October 14, 2009

10 SEO issues

I included 10 questions involving SEO and search engines which might be issues that search engine optimizers might come across, that I wouldn’t expect most developers to have spent much time thinking about. I’ve written about most of these here, and I thought it might be fun to share them.

1. What impacts might Microsoft’s VIPS, Yahoo’s Template Extraction, and Google’s Segmentation of Visual Gaps have upon a search engine’s weighing of links, document representation, shingles based duplicate content detection, and categorization of topics on a page, and how might a search engine determine which segment is the most important?

2. What steps should one take to try to get a site to rank well for a query in Google Maps, and how might something like location prominence and location sensitivity of that query term impact the range and rankings of sites that appear in a Google Maps listing?

3. What are some of the potential flaws that a search engineer might make when using a discounted cumulative gain approach to evaluating the relevancy of search results at different positions?

4. How might image size, image resolution, image contrast, inclusion of a face in an image, use of images across multiple pages of a site, internal links on a site to images, and external links on a site to images impact the possible rankings of images in search results?

5. What should be contained in a video XML sitemap to make it more likely that the videos included are crawled and indexed by Google?

6. How might Google customize search results for a searcher based upon language and country preferences and past browsing history, even when a searcher isn’t even logged into their Google account and seeing personalized results?

7. What types of user behavior data might the search engines be using to reorder search results besides simple clickthrough rates, and how might those kinds of signals be used in determining sitelinks or quicklinks that Google, Yahoo, and Bing may show in search results?

8. How might a search engine determine which kinds of results besides web pages to blend into search results, and how might that approach change when named entities are involved?

9. What kinds of ranking signals might make it more likely that a news source ranks well in Google’s news search, and why might the search engine choose one article over others when the stories are substantially similar?

10. How are search suggestions (query refinements) chosen by a search engine to include in search results, and why might a search engine show one type of search suggestion at the top of search results, and another type at the bottom of the results.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

SEO for Bing,Google and Yahoo

Ranking on one of these major search engines can be an intimidating task. Ranking on all three entails three different sets of rules and algorithms. It’s not impossible though, it just takes a little in-depth knowledge.

The end result of every search engine is the same. They all want their visitors to find the most relevant results they can by using their search mechanisms. How they get there however changes from search engine to search engine. Yet even these variations are limited.

To clarify the difference between Google, Bing and Yahoo, it is first necessary to understand each one individually, starting with Bing. It could be realistically said that it is easier to expect rankings on Bing first.

Bing for SEO
Bing demands a structured site that carries a distinct theme and provides many inbound links. Bing is fast to pick up and credits new content and incoming links. This is good news for SEO practitioners as it means with the right strategy it is possible to rank fairly quickly.
Bing requires a solid site that focuses on primary keywords, a good number of links and one that keeps their theme constant throughout. They don’t use aging delay methods and within a few months of concentrated SEO, one can start ranking highly for competitive keyword phrases.

Yahoo for SEO
Yahoo! also demands a solid size website along with unique content and a good amount of links. They have a type of page value factor which is similar to Google’s Page Rank. However Yahoo! do not say what the specifics of their page value is.
Yahoo! place importance on age links. Links don’t hold value for them until they are of a certain age. The time period is unknown. In order to rank on Yahoo! they require you have patience until your links age.

Google for SEO
It is the wish of most webmasters that they attain Google rankings. If you build a website that follows ethical practice, you will be ranked. But this will take longer than BING and Yahoo! rankings due to their link age policy or rule.

The longer your links, domain and pages have been online the better your rankings. Google require constant linking and updated content.

Apart from that Google rankings follow the same rules set by BING and Yahoo!

In conclusion
It follows logically that a new website should focus their SEO efforts on first Bing and on building good quality and relevant links. While you are gaining rankings on Bing it follows suit that your efforts will start attracting the attention both Yahoo! and Google.

Ranking well on all three search engines is not impossible. In fact it is possibly easier than you may think. It takes patience and time and analysis.

Researching what is required by each will help determine exactly what amount of weight should be focused on different areas. Tweaking your offerings as you go will ensure that your site is optimized for all three search engines.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Offshore Outsourcing Tips

Offshore Outsourcing unless managed efficiently will not yield reliable results. The following are some tips for successful offshore outsourcing.

1. Government regulations - Foreign governments has their own rules for labor regulation, taxes and economic development. Failing to comply with these rules can result in stiff penalties and lengthy delays. Make sure your supplier understands the rules and will keep you in compliance, and make sure your service agreement spells out your suppliers responsibilities.

2. Time zone constraints - The time differences between locations in the U.S. and Europe, Africa and Asia can range from seven to 14 hours. Your offshore resources may be going home when your workday is starting. To avoid unnecessary delays, your service agreement must spell out times of availability, including contingencies for matters that require immediate attention.

3. Control - A perceived lack of control is the single largest detractor in outsourcing decisions. Outsourcing often leads to improved control and performance because you can clearly spell out your expectations in the service agreement and include penalties if they are not met. Much of the anxiety around control issues can be addressed with well-defined business metrics, periodic performance inspections, clear escalation processes and sound communication practices.

4. Political stability - Political instability is one of the biggest unknowns in dealing with offshore suppliers. Civil insurrection or war can shut down your offshore operation indefinitely. An effective way to mitigate this risk is to work with a U.S.-based company with access to offshore operations in several countries. In times of crisis, it can be the suppliers responsibility to minimize disruption by shifting the work to another location.

5. Industry knowledge - Offshore suppliers generally have good technical skills, but they often lack relevant business-related experience and may not understand the business practices of your specific region. Choose a supplier who can incorporate industry-specific business knowledge, effective business models and experience specific to the regions in which you operate.

6. Project management - When your company choose to partner directly with an offshore supplier, choose someone who has already learned the lessons of working with offshore resources and can assign certified project management professionals to work with your firm. Most of the project management problems occur in the early stages, but these problems can throw an entire project behind schedule.

7. Business continuity - Business continuity planning and disaster recovery planning are fundamental to the well-being of any organization. Make sure your offshore supplier has a disaster recovery plan that will support your minimum service levels. The best approach is to plan carefully and make sure you have strong infrastructure support that can easily redistribute workloads to alternative locations, minimizing the chance of an interruption to your business.

8. Infrastructure - Your relationship with your offshore supplier is only as good as the communication and network infrastructure that separates your two countries. Your suppliers local infrastructure may be too primitive or unreliable for you to count on 24x7 connectivity. Make sure to factor in the cost of setting up a separate infrastructure that meets your organizations needs, or at least make sure you build in redundancies to your network.

9. Cost savings - The primary reason for companies to outsource is their quest for lower cost. However, lower hourly labor rates do not necessarily translate into lower costs. Factors like suppliers transition processes, productivity rates, service delivery capabilities and quality commitment can impact the overall project cost and the value gained from the offshore engagement.

10. Publicity - Even if shifting work offshore makes good business sense, it can create public relations issues for your company. Your decision to outsource will be watched closely by the employees and the media. Negative publicity could alienate your customers. Choosing an outsourcing supplier with both on-shore and offshore operations can minimize the potential for negative press.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Internet marketing research for ROI of your new websites

A new website doesn't come cheap nowadays. In fact, a professional web site can set you back thousands of dollars, and when you take into consideration just how much work is required in terms of design, planning, programming, and even content, it becomes apparent why it's so essential to see a return on your investment. Internet marketing, particularly SEO, can help.

Of course, it's hardly a secret that a successful website can see you earning astronomical amounts of money day in and day out and of course you can end up with thousands of customers from all over the world. In this respect, it simply cannot be denied that a professional website can by all accounts end up being one of the biggest and most lucrative business investments you'll ever make.

Unfortunately however, there are millions of people out there who end up becoming despondent when their new website doesn't live up to their expectations, in that it fails to generate the amount of money they were hoping for. When this happens, it is safe to say that their website is a failure, and as such, the efforts of the web development company were in vain as well.

After all, there's not much point in having a great looking website if you're the only one who even knows it exists. No, people will not simply start arriving at your website just because it's such a great looking site. Remember, there are an estimated 3 billion websites out there and the number is growing daily. Furthermore, there's no such thing as a gentleman's agreement between competitors, in that your competitors are hungry for your traffic and your visitors. Also, if it's easier for internet users to find the websites of your competitors, then you can bet your bottom dollar that that's where they'll be going. The main thing to remember is, if your website is not performing the way you want it to, and you're not getting as many visitors as you had hoped for, then you simply don't have the luxury of time to sit back and do nothing.

You could of course go and spend hundreds or thousands of dollars on printed advertising, just as you could spend a fortune on advertising your website on TV. But let's face it; this type of advertising is beyond most people's means, particularly when you consider that it will at most only be able to grab people's attention for a few minutes. Even if you decide to give your website a makeover in terms of appearance, that's still not going to achieve anything in terms of making people aware that your web site exists.

If you're serious about exposing your website to the general population then you need to acknowledge the fact that SEO (search engine optimization) is the most powerful tool you have, in that it can effectively see your website appearing on the front page of search results when surfers type in certain search criteria. No, SEO is by no means rocket science but it will require a considerable amount of time in terms of website analysis and keyword research. Remember, Even though your website may currently rank high on Google search results for one particular keyword or keyword phrase, that doesn't necessarily mean that your website will show up when internet surfers type in other related keywords or keyword phrases.

Generally speaking, a website owner can experience as much as a 50% increase in the number of enquiries they receive simply because their website is showing on the first page of Google search results based on a specific keyword or keyword phrase. However, what happens if this doesn't happen for you even though your website is always on the first page?

You need to bear in mind that there are several factors which make it possible for you to get a ROI for your website, and SEO is just one of them. In other words, if you're confident that your website's appearance is as good as it should be, and your site is ranking highly in search results, and yet you're still not getting the amount of business you had anticipated, then perhaps it's time for you to take a look at your site's content. By this I mean that you should try to see your website from a visitor's point of view. Is your site easy to navigate around? Is it clear to visitors that they can easily send in enquiries, and is your copy well written and informative? Lastly, you need to re-evaluate what it is that you're hoping will persuade customers to purchase your product or service. Furthermore, you need to understand your target audience because unless you can understand the type of people who will be visiting your site, you cannot tailor your content accordingly.

At the end of the day, you need to be willing to perform enough research and analysis. Providing you do, you can be virtually guaranteed you'll notice an improvement in your website, and this of course will result in more traffic and higher conversion rates.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Benefits of outsourcing at tough economic times

The benefits of outsourcing for web & software companies in tough economic times

Did you ever wonder how offshore/outsourcing can help you through the current economic downturn? Did you ever consider the major benefits offshoring can bring to your company?
If you run a web or software development company, you probably might come across it. With the current economic situation, it might be a good idea to consider the growth & profit it can bring to your company.

The past years, it was hard to find appropriate people to run your IT projects. Right now, it is probably harder to find enough projects to fill your IT department. With the labor laws in Western Europe it’s not easy to simply hire and fire people. Outsourcing your IT needs to a partner, saves you the headache that comes with hiring and firing people. You simply hire the exact amount of hours you need and you don’t run the risk of long term labor contracts.

Cost savings
For cost saving, it is important to compare the correct options. Often web & software companies tell me ‘it is cheaper to hire a programmer in my own office’. Taken into consideration the high tax levels, holidays, sick leaves, overhead, training, productivity, etc, it is usually still cheaper to hire an offshore developer. But the correct comparison is: offshoring or outsourcing to a local partner. And if you compare those options, the cost savings are substantial.

Focus & a lean organization
The biggest added value of you as a web or software companies is the ‘intelligence’. You create solutions for problems. You develop applications that help a customer solve his problems. In order to deliver this solution, you need to develop it. If you focus your attention completely on this intelligence instead of managing a team of software programmers, your added value towards your customers increases. Outsourcing the development process to a partner, keeps your organization lean at the same time.

Capacity & specialization
Even now the labor markets have become less tense it is still a challenge to find enough people and especially the right people. Cooperating with an offshore or outsource partner, gives you access to a vast pool of developers. This will ensure that you can always attract the capacity you need and makes it easier to find the ‘perfect match’ with the skills you need.

Now one of these factors alone might not be enough reason for you to change your current situation. But consider the fact that you can achieve ALL the benefits simultaneously. It is not only about cost savings, but about a strategic decision that brings your company long term growth and profitability. It creates a stable basis on which to build your company.

Offshore PHP developers at one third of the cost

Are you in need of immediate PHP enabled website? Or do you need a dedicated offshore PHP programmer for your website development with cost effectiveness too? Your destination for all your needs is at Softlogic Inc.

When it is Softlogic, you would get comprehensive range of web development solutions for your all your business needs. We ensure that you get customized, reliable and quality oriented PHP development service that matches your requirements.

Some of the other qualitative benefits of hiring dedicated Offshore PHP developers from Softlogic are:
• Low Cost PHP Website Development that would gel perfectly with your business.
• Customized and Optimized Open Source Customization and PHP Web Development.
• Reduced Overhead costs, as the result of outsourcing.
• Dedicated programmer which will work in your facility along with your employees for fast completion of the project.
• Round the clock technical support available to you.
• You can make instant changes in your website design or its database, as you can directly approach our dedicated PHP Programmer.
• Our dedicated PHP Programmer would be flexible with your business requirements and work according to that.
• One Project to One Dedicated PHP Programmer which is our allocation criteria for all projects.
• Weekly Reporting on the status and development of the project.

At Softlogic we offer affordable web services, which include:
Customized Web based Application Development
SEO and Internet Marketing
Open Source Customization
E-commerce Development

When you hire a dedicated offshore PHP programmer through Softlogic, you get
Complete reliability in work
Enhanced Interaction with your and your partner clients
Schedule meetings according to your privileged time
Hard working and dedicated programmer
Interact Online at anytime

Hiring a dedicated PHP developer from Softlogic Inc. is truly a matter of privilege, as we can give real definition to your web based projects in a fast, cost effective and efficient manner.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Tips to promote your web design business

As businesses wake up to realize the potential of having an online presence, they are turning to professional website design and development companies to establish a sound web presence. This has led to a boom in the website design & development industry and many design companies are mushrooming across the nation.

If you are one of the web design companies and want your business to succeed in cyberspace, you need to make efforts to establish yourself as the best out of the lot. You must explain to your audience information about your company and why it is unique. Inform them crisp details about your products and services and how they can help them to enhance their businesses. Here are some tips to promote your web design business online.

Create a Portfolio Page

Add an exclusive Portfolio Page to your website where you can showcase all the websites that you have worked on. Include a screen shots of the website along with a link to the same so that visitors can visit the website and check out the design in detail. Along with this, also include brief information about what you have done for the website. Was it the development work, the design or redesign process or some other maintenance task? This lets the visitors know about your approach towards working for a website.

Include High Quality Content

Content is an integral part of a website. People judge the credibility and reliability of a website by reading through its contents. Your content should give a extremely clear idea about your company and business to the audience. Explain them about the products and service that you offer and how it would benefit their businesses. Use simple sentences and language so that visitors can understand well. Avoid using complex industry jargons.

Create a Blog

Blogs are an excellent medium to update regular content and to carry out and informal dialogue with your audiences. You can have a informal discussion with your audience about the industry and gather in their comments as well. This will also give your a chance to understand the needs and requirements of your target audience.

Social Networking

Social networking websites are a great platform to promote your business to Internet users. Create an account and establish your presence on major social networking websites like Facebook, MySpace etc. and connect with your industry audience. Communicating with them on a social and informal level would give you valuable knowledge about your niche industry and audience.

Include Client Testimonials

Ask your clients to write testimonials for you mentioning your work and their experiences with you. When potential customers visit your website and read the testimonials, they are more likely to trust you and further invest their money in you.

Powerful Marketing Strategies

Marketing your business is very important to increase its online visibility and give it exposure in the industry. While starting out you may do some email marketing and then move on to more powerful strategic marketing and advertising as you gain momentum.

Search Engine Optimization

Make use of effective search engine optimization processes to make sure that your website is well optimized so that it ranks well in search engine results. This further increases your online visibility and attracts heavy traffic inflow.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Websites and security

Imagine walking out of your front door and leaving it open, whilst you jet off on holiday for a week. Or parking your car in central London and leaving all of the windows open and your laptop on the front seat. Or even walking around town with your wallet hanging out of your pocket and your iPod on so loud that you couldn’t hear an airplane, let alone a pick pocket walking behind you.
You are probably thinking, “Why would I do that, I am not stupid! “.
It is true to say, the majority of us would never do any of the things mentioned in my opening paragraph, because they are the basic security measures of life. Lock your front door, keep your windows closed when away and don’t leave anything worth pinching in your car.
As you begin to wonder where this blog is going, lets take the same situation, but for our websites.
Everyone has a website, wants a website or is keen to know more about someone else’s website. Imagine each website as a house, each search engine as a city and all of the web visitors as people walking around. Some of these people want to do you harm, they want to break into your house, or in this case, your website. It is no different to life in the “real” world. The majority of the people are good, but there are some that do mean you harm and will try every method, tip and tick going to bring you down.
Internet crime is one of the fast growing crimes in the global world as we know it. Everyday we see websites get hacked, passwords stolen and viruses hidden via iframe injections that will come along and do you, your visitors and probably your reputation great damage.

In my opinion, you can never be 100% secure, and anyone that claims to be is either lying or has spent thousands of pounds on security measures that the majority of us can not afford. But you can make sure you are as secure as you can possibly be by implementing a few security measures, and these are described below.
Virus Protection – Security starts at home, and by this I mean make sure you are running a first class security suite on your home pc’s and laptops. I use Mcafee, but there are others including AVG and Norton, but just make sure you use a well recommended internet security suite which if you do get infected, will help protect and fix any problems. Also download Malwarebytes and run this on a periodic basis. The latest Virus programs can now also fix infected webpages, meaning you can save hours by letting them fix the issues should your site get infected.
FTP Passwords – Every week, change your FTP password. Yes, this is a pain and you probably won’t do it, but it can be the one thing that stops your site from being hacked. Some of the latest viruses steal FTP passwords from your pc and then send them to the bad world, so by changing the password periodically, even if they do steal your data, it will be another layer in protection for you.
Security Patches – Make sure your computer is patched. Many of the Trojans and exploits are coming through on un-patched or older systems. Make sure you allow Windows to update when it needs to and just to be on the safe side, check for updates once a week, even if you have it on automatic.

Server Patches
– Most of us use web hosting, but you can still make sure that your host is doing everything they can. Drop them and email or give them a ring and ask them how often they implement patches etc and what their security methods are. It is sometimes worth paying a bit more to make sure your host is doing as much as you are to protect your site and business.
Server File Permissions – Imagine having a nice big house with a massive stone wall all the way around the building, with 50 gates for people to get in to your house with. 45 of those gates are locked, but the other 5 are open, and is therefore creating an opportunity for some one to get in. File permissions are a little bit like these gates. If you leave some of them open, there is a good chance someone will cease on this and get access to your website via permissions that have been set incorrectly. They can be quite hard to understand, so have a chat with your host or web guy to make sure your permissions are correct and above all else, secure.
Google Webmaster – Make sure you have a Google webmaster account linked to your website. Should you be hacked, Google will send you an email to tell you this and also which pages have been hit. This is such a valuable and free tool, admittedly more a cure rather than prevention, but as Google updates pages every hour of the day, they can sometimes be the first to notice your site has a problem.

Website Patches
– If you are using Wordpress, always make sure you are running the latest version of the main Wordpress software and also upgrade your plugins when you are told to do so. Wordpress updates itself with new patches and upgrades periodically and this is the same for the plugins. Many of the latest hacks are targeting Wordpress, and you can help to avoid this if you run the latest version and your plugins are up to date.
Software Patches – I had a client who got infected via a PDF virus which then infected his website. He couldn’t understand why this had happened, or how it was even possible. This was until I explained that he was running Adobe Reader that was 3 years old and he had kept refusing the automatic updates! Always make sure you allow your software to install the latest updates, as many of the latest viruses will use any software going to try and access your pc.
Years ago, when someone asked me how to avoid viruses, the answer was simple, don’t look at porn. 9 times out of 10, viruses came through dodgy porn sites or file swapping facilities and you could be pretty safe by just avoiding this type of site. Now days, any site in any country dealing with any niche topic is a possible vulnerability, so by doing all of the above you can help to make sure your site does not become one of them.
As I said, in my opinion, you will never be 100% secure. If someone wants to get at you, they will do so; they will just keep upping their methods until they have success. But the majorities of website hacks are not personal and are not massively sophisticated and these are the ones you can help to avoid.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Steps in hiring Web designers

Hire Dedicated Designer / Developer ModelHire Dedicated Designer / Developer Model

You send us the project requirement.
We determine the designer/developer to suit your needs.
You determine whether you want to hire Part time or Full time.
We allocate the dedicated designer, developer, seo, etc…
You assign projects, tasks to your dedicated resource.
You receive daily updates on projects and work reports.
We renew the cycle every month.


Friday, September 18, 2009

Benefits of Ruby on Rails

Benefits of Ruby on Rails include:
1. Rails works well with various web servers and databases as it is really easy to deploy web solutions using Rails.
2. With Ruby on Rails work is done faster otherwise before web applications which were using languages such as PHP, Java, ASP, could take ages to complete and in the end you may just have a large stack of unmentionable codes.
3. Rails provide fast and easy development with quality results.
4. With Ruby programming language you need to write few lines of code in comparison to other programming language to reach the same result.
5. The Ruby on rails framework software also supports MySQL, SQL, SQL Server, DB2 and Oracle.
6. ROR CMS provides very flexible solutions, final output depends on user choice no pre-format is mandatory, image cropping, resizing, multi-language support, excellent usability, sort able tree-based admin interface, layout editor, scaffold template is created.
7. Rails applications are Tailor made to perfection for an individual or an enterprise and best fit for all kind of web application. Rails architecture is used and most preferred for development of cms, e-commerce, portals, collaboration, and community.

The new performance management and profiling tools are important additions to the RoR development community as RoR moves from being a hobbyist development language to a bona fide enterprise development framework. Most of our attention now is moving over to the general rails environment and ecosystem creating tools and environments for development and production so that people can work better with and on their rails applications.

SEO friendly site

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process of building a site that is search engine friendly. SOFTLOGIC INC. realizes this is a very ambiguous definition and that is due in part to the ever-changing regulations and dynamic implementation of SEO on different types of websites. Web pages are optimized for search engines use clear, concise and relevant content that uses keywords that describe what your business does. This makes your website more appealing to the search engines because they understand your purpose with more clarity. SEO is always changing and it is a full-time job to keep up with the Google’s. For anyone who is just entering into the wonderful world of search engine optimization, the initial scope of it can be overwhelming. Here are some quick tips to help any SEO beginner hit the web running.

1. Do Your Research In order to create a search engine friendly site with SEO, you need to read as much as possible about it. There are tons of content online that will inform you with tips, expertise, and guidance about everything you need to know about SEO. You must also conduct keyword research in order to find the most relevant, competitive keywords to optimize your site with. This will be very important and we will touch on it later.

2. Choose the Correct Domain Name Every website should have a good name. Picking the right domain name that can easily be remembered and is relevant to your business is very important. You will want to try and use any keyword that you have chosen, if you can. It is also common to use your business or brand name. This is also recommended.

3. Optimize Your Keywords At this point, you should have chosen five relevant, highly competitive keywords for optimization of your site and all of its content. One of the most important factors of SEO is having an optimal keyword density, which is the amount of times a keywords shows up in text of your site or home page. Search engines use it to judge your relevance for that keyword when a user types it into search. Your keyword density should fall between 2 to 4 percent. If you use your keywords too often, then you can be penalized for keyword stuffing. The penalty could range from losing your links and rankings, to being banned from the Internet.

4. Link Building You can link building several different ways. Paid links are not recommended and you can be penalized severely. You can conduct link exchanges to your site, but you should focus on other sites that are very relevant and are quality, authoritative sites. Your rankings can go down if you link to very suspicious, spam websites. The best way to build links is by providing relevant, linkable content, such as blogs, surveys, syndicated articles, or social networks. If you do it legally and correctly, you will be rewarded with a climb in the rankings, accompanied by the traffic and conversions you hoped would come when you were searching for this article.

If you are a SEO expert and searching for advanced SEO tips and tricks visit community and get your free tips and tricks.

Open source web development

Open source web development is an approach to design, develop website for better satisfying your business needs. Web development is fast pace, growing industry and has picked up at very fast speed with time. Developments of these web development companies in USA are streamlined with growth and advancement in technology. Open source web development provided a hassle free programming and debugging. Open source web design & development, open source development solutions are widely acceptable these days because source code is available free and open for editing, developers are free to amend code and upload web pages dynamically in real time. Open source provide developers broader scope by providing free code. Open source application solution such as joomla is a stylish, simple and professional solution for web development. It is content management system that has infinite number of open source codes and templates for web developers. These tools can easily customized by the web developers in the web development process. Open source content management solution can help to build a solid E commerce application. It is easy to use solution that allows an individual to easily create, publish and manage and organize a great variety of content on website. Choosing the best open source solution in building E commerce should be wise decision to make. It should be easy and one can adopt anyone in the solution.

SOFTLOGIC INC. is a web development company in USA engaged in open source web development. It is the customer trusted company which offers open source web development services in USA and Canada. It provide services in the area of open source content management system, E commerce solution, Web blog solution, Forum solution and Magento, OsCommerce, Zencart, XCart, Drupal , Cscart and others. Its dedicated web developers strive for getting best results. It has satisfied clients all over the world I m the one of them. Prices are the competitive and with best quality here.
You can visit  for further information regarding open source web development OR contact 302 613 0469 (USA) for more assistance.


Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Softlogic SEO services In USA

After doing various research starting from the scratch, analyzing various data and documenting several important things, Softlogic Services has been originated into SEO services in USA. Keeping in view the various requirements, queries, and reaching perspective solution, website is being launched. Where customer satisfaction is the highest prioritized factor, Softlogic SEO Services kept it on the top as well as with its good services and expertise it is promising you to meet your need.

Softlogic SEO Services is offering you a complete range of services that includes:
* Link Building Services
* Social Media Optimization
* E-Commerce Promotion
* Website Branding
* SE Reputation Management
* Industry Specific SEO
* Blog Promotion

Apart from these services it is providing you the opportunity to get the consultancy for your SEO campaigns. Although, it is a chargeable concept, but Softlogic SEO Services is guaranteeing you for 100% profitable optimization result.

Here we have expert search engine marketing specialists, link building experts, web designers, and SEO copywriters who can offer their maximum to achieve the best optimization result.

Softlogic SEO Services offering you a variety of packages along with maintenance and support. Softlogic SEO Services has been developed considering all the constraints that can up grade the efficiency and can resolve the miniature queries that can arise into someone’s mind while navigating through the site.

Now, you can get all your work done related to Search Engine Optimization (SEO) through Softlogic SEO Services.

For any other details feel free to visit the website at  and for any queries contact us at We will be pleased to assist you.
Softlogic is a leader in Custom web development, programming and design solutions for small and large business, agencies. The company offers a wide range of business-centered visual communication solutions, including web-based content management, web design, graphic design, custom web software applications, ethical white hat search engine optimization (Organic SEO). For more information visit

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Offshore or outsource your IT works

Over recent years, many worldwide corporations have successfully adopted a winning strategy, namely offshore web development. Offshore outsourcing is preferred by many foreign web-hosting companies, as it allows them to focus more on their main competencies. Offshore outsourcing results in the enhancement of their business, as well as in the ability to meet their specific business requirements by means of cost effective and exclusive solutions. Offshore web development comes with a series of considerable benefits, especially for start up companies, to which offshore outsourcing represents a very cost effective solution, as it enables them to leverage their IT resources and save up to fifty percent. Other benefits of this successful strategy include proven web development processes, premium quality, low cost web services, post maintenance, and solid technical expertise.

One significant benefit of offshore web development is represented by the existence of proven web development processes. The increasing capacity of offshore outsourcing has led to standardized, authentic and mature development processes, which serve the purpose of decreasing any project risks. Furthermore, development time has been zeroed down due to these mature development processes, which are imperative if any offshore web development company desires to stay on this increasingly competitive market.

Premium quality is another benefit of the successful strategy of offshore outsourcing. This strategy, which was fairly unknown a few years back, has now become one of the most desired means of software development and thus the ongoing competition was significantly boosted. At this level, every offshore web development company holds the best of services, sharing software reliability and superior quality at the most competitive prices.

As the offshore outsourcing market is highly competitive, all web development companies must demonstrate their competence. Low cost services is one of the means of achieving this goal, as the safest way to stay ahead in this industry quality services is to provide good services for competitive prices. Many offshore web development companies have realized the advantages that derive form being competitive and taken advantage of this competition, and this ultimately leads to the birth of an offshore outsourcing era.

Maintaining a prosperous relationship with every client is also desired by web development companies and one sure way of achieving that is by offering post maintenance services. Therefore, offshore web development companies can prove their efficacy and also attract others to avail their development services. Solid web expertise also comes in the package when choosing offshore web development. The team of expert developers and programmers can face any software difficulties leaving you to deal only with the competencies necessary to achieve all your goals. Solid technical expertise is desired in offshore outsourcing because it assures the company that it will not face any problems in software development and new hiring web programmers and developers will not be necessary.

Offshore web development companies can save your company a lot of stress and problems, not to mention that benefits are immense. Furthermore, as this industry is rising each day, offshore outsourcing must always improve so as to survive in this newfound jungle of competition. This alone is reason enough to consider offshore web development as means of achieving your goals.

Contact Softlogic Inc. at for all outsourcing and offshore works

Web consulting company in USA and Canada

SOFTLOGIC INC. is a consulting firm placed in USA and Canada that combines real-world business experience with deep technological expertise to help clients achieve their strategic objectives, improve processes, and to promote their online business to next level. Consulting has a long-standing heritage within the Softlogic and now the company is all set to provide its valuable global clients with technology consultation.

The move is a response to increasing client demand for global reach and direct access to the breadth of consulting expertise across the globe. The technology consulting is for providing the clients with the better support in the areas of open source technologies that includes PHP-MySQL, LAMP technology, and RoR and more.

Softlogic has also commenced with Microsoft technologies, Java technologies, and Database development for customer satisfaction. It is one of the world’s foremost providers of consulting in technology services. Softlogic provides its clients with new insights and capabilities in the world of web services that boost their freedom to achieve superior results in their business.

Softlogic differentiates itself through a business-oriented approach which guarantees a strong bond between strategic thinking and delivery of desired results through the use of latest technology and forward-thinking methods to improve the performance of the websites.

Softlogic have a broad range of experience and expertise in all of the various technologies; therefore they are able to provide you with effective and efficient solutions for their client’s business. They are a consulting company that has a firm grounding in ethics and quality and provide with timely, high quality web solutions for their clients from around the world.

You can visit for all technology consultations and for outsourcing options.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Affordable web development in USA and Canada

Softlogic Inc is a professional web development company in USA and Canada. We specialize in web development and web design, but we also place a lot of focus on marketing our websites and businesses. That's because we know that having a world class website alone is not enough for your business growth. You have to market those web site so that Internet users can find you easily. Our dedicated web developers will work for your business growth still you reach your business goal. We develop your website with latest technology to ensure that the web site gets outstanding results.

Softlogic offers web design and web development services using PHP, Smarty, Zend Framework and open source customizations like Joomla, X-cart, Zen Cart, OS Commerce, Magento Commerce, Word Press etc.

Softlogic offers Content Management Solutions (CMS), Social Networking Solutions, and Custom Shopping Carts at affordable prices with high quality.
We assure your business growth through our affordable web services.

Dedicated Team
We offer Experienced, skilled, highly qualified and technically proficient team who, sit at our offshore center but dedicated to your projects. Our professional, experienced Dedicated Team will coordinate and adhere with the client’s requirements and time schedules to ensure timely completion of the process.

Project Based Team
Our team of experience developers will study your requirements, business objectives, project expectations and preferences. Our Project Development model has a unique distinction of providing efficient software solutions with cost and quality advantage, having the capacity to handle large projects and the ability to execute timely deliveries.

You can visit for all web solutions and for outsourcing and offshore options.